الخميس، 17 نوفمبر 2011

قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية: استعمالات الماضي المستمر في اللغة الإنجليزية

Was/were + present participle: I was studying, etc.

استعمالات الماضي المستمر
The Uses of the Past Continuous

نستخدم الماضي المستمر في اللغة الإنجليزية بالإضافة إلى الماضي البسيط لوصف فعل أو حدث بدأ وقوعه قبل الماضي البسيط
وكان مستمر الوقوع عندما وقع الحدث في الماضي البسيط
We use the past continuous in conjunction with the past simple to describe and action or event that started before
Before the event in the past simple and was in progress when the  event in the past simple occurred
The were watching a film when we arrived
She was studying law when the war started

نستخدم الماضي المستمر للتحدث عن حدث أو فعل كان وقوعه مستمرا في وقت معين في الماضي
To describe an action, event or situation that was in progress at a specified time in the past
In 1982, we were living in a small flat in Bristol.
In may of last year, she was studying hard for her final exams
At 6 o'clock this morning, I was walking alone the beach

نستخدم الماضي المستمر مع while للتحدث عن حدثين أو فعلين كان وقوعهما مستمرا و متزامنا في الماضي
We use the past continuous with 'while' to describe two actions that were in progress at the same time
While I was driving along this morning, I was thinking about what you'd said
He was cooking the dinner while he was talking to him

نستخدم الماضي المستمر مع العبارات الظرفية التي تبدأ ب all مثل : all night, all morning, all day yesterday
لإظهار أن فعلا أو حدثا كان مستمر الوقوع
We use the past continuous with adverbials beginning with all e.g. all night, all morning, all day yesterday,
To show that an action or event was in progress throughout this time
I was watching television all evening
Were you working all weekend?

نستخدم الماضي المستمر لوصف الخلفية و إعداد المشهد لقصة أو مسرحية سردية في الماضي
We use the past continuous to describe the background and set the scene for a narrative in the past.
The wind was blowing and the rain was beating down. John Snell was standing at the bus stop shivering.
He was trying to imagine being at home sitting by a warm fire. Finally he saw the headlights of the bus
Approaching from the distance.