الخميس، 3 يناير 2013

كيف تزرع بسرعة الكوسا Marrow

تعليم طريقة زراعة الكوسا Marrow للمبتدئين بسرعة في البيت, ما هي الأشياء التي تحتاجها لكي تزرع الكوسا Marrow في الغرفة والمنزل دون صعوبة, مكان شراء بذور الكوسا Marrow للزارعة المنزلية للاستهلاك أو كهواية. صور زراعة الكوسا Marrow وكتب تعليمية, مقاطع فيديو تعليمية عن طرق وأساليب زراعة الكوسا Marrow في الصيف والشتاء والربيع والخريف. زراعه الكبد, زراعه بدون تربه, زراعه الأشجارHave you ever considered growing your own organic vegetables from home? If you think it is hard work or to difficult, then I want to share with you how I grow my own organic vegetables from home. The reason why I started growing my own vegetables was, because I realized that most vegetables that are grown commercially are sprayed with chemicals that are harmful to our bodies. I have been an organic farmer for 4 years growing organic vegetables on a commercial level. In my research before I started with this, I have found shocking information on chemical sprays that are used by commercial farmers that causes all sorts of diseases. After meeting a friend that had been exposed to chemical sprays working on a farm that did tunnel farming, I decided to change my focus to organic farming. He has picked up permanent brain damage from working with chemical sprays in tunnels. Therefore I would like to show you how to grow organic vegetables from home by following a few simple guidelines.