أهم دروس الانجليزية للمبتدئين والمتقدمين, حفظ الكلمات والمفردات الانجليزية مع النطق وطريقة الاستعمال, كيفية تركيب الجمل في اللغة الانجليزية وتصريف الأفعال, محادثات باللغة الانجليزية البطيئة مع الصوت قواعد حروف الجر الخاصة بالمكان English Grammar - Prepositions of Place .
Some of the more significant variations in the pronunciation of consonants are these:
In non-rhotic accents such as Received Pronunciation and Australian English, /r/ can only appear before a vowel (so there is no "r" sound in words like card). The actual pronunciation of /r/ varies between dialects; most common is the alveolar approximant [ɹ].
In North American English and Australian English, /t/ and /d/ are flapped [ɾ] in many positions between vowels.[80] This means that word pairs such as latter and ladder may become homophones for speakers of these dialects.
The th sounds /θ/ and /ð/ are sometimes pronounced as /f/ and /v/ in Cockney, and as dental plosives (contrasting with the usual alveolar plosives) in some Irish varieties. In African American Vernacular English, /ð/ has merged with dental /d/.