الثلاثاء، 1 يناير 2013

تعلم الانجليزية بسهولة ماهي حروف الجر الانكليزية AT, ON, IN

دروس مهمة باللغة الانجليزية للجميع والمبتدئين, تعلم نطق الكلمات الانجليزية وكيف تستعملها في الجمل, طريقة تعلم المفردات والصفات الانجليزية بسهولة وبسرعة, ألعاب وأغاني وموسيقى وأناشيد تعليم اللغة الانجليزية ماهي حروف الجر الانكليزية AT, ON, IN .For words which in RP have /ɒ/, most North American dialects have /ɑ/ (as in the example of box above) or /ɔ/ (as in cloth). However some North American varieties do not have the vowel /ɔ/ at all (except before /r/); see cot–caught merger. In present-day Received Pronunciation, the realization of the /æ/ phoneme is more open than the symbol suggests, and is closer to [a], as in most other accents in Britain. The sound [æ] is now found only in conservative RP.[81] In General American and some other rhotic accents, the combination of vowel+/r/ is often realized as an r-colored vowel. For example, butter /ˈbʌtər/ is pronounced with an r-colored schwa, [ɚ]. Similarly nurse contains the r-colored vowel [ɝ]. The vowel conventionally written /ʌ/ is actually pronounced more centrally, as [ɐ], in RP. In the northern half of England this vowel is replaced by /ʊ/ (so cut rhymes with put).